Artistically, I have always been drawn to beauty; mesmerized by it - whether it's light dancing on water, a bubble dangling in the air or a big shiny chandelier. And my work has largely been focused on capturing and honoring these ethereal moments. But for the last while I have found myself desiring more than just 'seeing' and 'capturing' it. C.S. Lewis said it best - We want 'To be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves to bath in it, to become part of it.' Having this mindset has been a wonderfully motivating and satisfying journey in the studio.
Over the course of this summer and fall, my kids and I so enjoyed exploring a smattering of Seattle's hiking trails. Each one has its own magic. Recently we hiked ‘Poo Poo Point Trail’; a trail that has a space for paragliders to take off at the top! (Sidenote: I now have a new item on my bucket list!) Seattle is jam-packed with beauty. And each new trail gets us excited about the next. Each hike leaves us wanting more. And that's just the thing about beauty, right? Have you ever snapped a photo of a sunset and thought, 'That’s it. I'm satisfied. I don't ever need to capture another sunset photo again.' Of course not! We can't help it. Each sunset, each moment of beauty is unique and triggers our hearts cry for more. This perspective helps to explain why many artists will paint the same thing such as a portrait or a sunset, in different ways over and over again - it's why I can't wait to paint the next #chandelier. I want more!
As well, getting outside and into nature is just one way I fill my creative bucket. Nature's truth and beauty is an endless source of inspiration for me. So I'm curious, what activities add into your routine that fill your creative bucket? I'd love to hear from you!